The Environment And Protected Areas Authority Distributes 4,700 Seedlings To Government Departments And Residents Of The Emirate Of Sharjah

The Environment and Protected Areas Authority(EPAA) in Sharjah has completed the implementation of the “Tree Planting in Governmental Institutions and Departments” program and the “Tree in Every House” program, both of which are initiatives to distribute seedlings to government agencies and residents. The EPAA distributed 4,700 seedlings during November and December, of which 2,500 went to 6 government departments, and 2,200 seedlings to 528 houses in 9 suburbs of Sharjah.
Her Excellency Hana Saif Al Suwaidi, Chairperson of Environment and Protected Areas Authority, said, “We are pleased with the implementation of native plants seedlings being distributed to government departments and institutions, and to the residents of the emirate in 9 suburbs. This initiative was met with interaction, appreciation and approval from all parties, bodies and residents, and we are encouraged by this response. The initiative highlights the importance and value of native plants, and the need to increase green areas in the emirate of Sharjah.”
Her Excellency Hana Saif Al Suwaidiadded: “The program saw teams distribute Al Ghafseedlings to government institutions of the emirate in a bid to develop local agriculture. The employees were able to decide where they will plant the seedlings, at home or at work. The Environment and Protected Areas Authority aims to contribute to the education of all members of society about the importance of local plants, and initiatives such as this are part of our mission to do so.”
2,500 seedlings
2,500 seedlings were distributed to 6 governmental bodies, authorities and institutions in Sharjah, namely: Sharjah Airport, 800 seedlings; Al Batayeh Municipality, 300 seedlings; Districts and Villages Affairs Department, 250 seedlings; Sharjah Investment and Development Authority “Shurooq”, 300 seedlings; Sharjah Broadcasting Authority, 600 seedlings; Sharjah Museums Authority, 250 seedlings.
Tree in Every House” program
The idea of a “Tree in Every House” program came based on the concern of His Highness Sheikh Dr Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council, Ruler of Sharjah, for the environment. The Environment and Protected Areas Authority was keen to establish a program under the title of ‘a tree in every house’, and to plant various local trees and distribute them to the residents of the emirate of Sharjah and its suburbs.
The program began at the beginning of November and continued until mid-December, with 2,200 seedlings distributed to Al Ghaf, Sedr, Samar, Arak, Shuo’, and Al Markh, in cooperation with Districts and Villages Affairs Department.
The authority’s work teams distributed during last November and December 2200 local seedlings to 528 houses distributed over 9 suburbs, namely: Mughaidir suburb, 48 houses, 250 seedlings; Khalidiya suburb, 9 houses, 250 seedlings; Muwailih suburb, 58 houses, 250 seedlings;Al Rahmaniyah suburb. 117 houses, 350 seedlings; Al Suyoh suburb, 68 houses, 250 seedlings; Hayawa suburb, 49 houses, 250 houses; Subaih suburb, 83 houses, 250 seedlings; Dibba Al-Hisn suburb, 62 houses, 250 seedlings; Al Bustan suburb, 24 houses, 100 seedlings.
The Environment and Protected Areas Authority (EPAA) in Sharjah seeks to protect the environment, natural reserves, wildlife and their biodiversity through scientific studies and research. The authority publishes educational awareness material, implements policies for environmental awareness and programs, and launches specialized campaigns in the field of environmental awareness and education.