The Arrival Of A New Group Of Animals To The Sharjah Safari

The Environment and Protected Areas Authority in Sharjah (EPAA) announced that the Sharjah Safari, located within the Al Bridi Reserve in the city of Al Dhaid, has received a new group of animals, comprising of 121 different types of mammals, reptiles, and birds, including Gazelles, African wild turtles, crocodiles, African rock python, and flamingos.
Her Excellency Hana SaifAl Suwaidi, Chairperson of the Environment and Protected Areas Authority in Sharjah, said: “The Sharjah Safari is the largest safari project in the world outside Africa, due to the presence of African animals that represent all species. Covering an area of 16 square kilometers, it will contain approximately 50 thousand animals. The Safari is the most important ecotourism destination in the region. ”
Her Excellency added: “The Sharjah Safari building includes a number of facilities that are designed with the character of African wildlife that depend on the use of wood and straw, and include cages for birds, and a section for giraffes; 15 of which have been released to adapt to the safari atmosphere. The crocodile enclosure includes a group of lakes and surrounding buildings. Additionally, the Safari will house a lion section and a rhinoceros enclosure, as well as some buildings such as conference hall, safari visitors camp, rest buildings and restaurants.
121 different species of mammals, reptiles, and birds
Sharjah Safari received 121 different types of mammals, reptiles and birds to be added to the safari, in a way that contributes to translating the vision and directions of His Highness Sheikh Dr Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council, Ruler of Sharjah, in the world of nature, where the focus is on preserving the environment. Sharjah Safari will work to preserve biological diversity, and to protect and breed endangered animals and contribute to environmental sustainability.
The Sharjah Safari is a tourism and scientific research project for the breeding of animals that are on the verge of extinction, housing a distinct group of animals from different African environments. The Safari included a large natural lake and areas for visitors, with cafes scattered around the site of live animal shows. The Safari embodies a real African nature reserve, and offers visitors the chance to see these animals right here in Sharjah.
Al Bridi Reserve
In addition, AlBridi Reserve extends over an area of about 18.5 square kilometers and is distinguished by being a wildlife reserve with gravel plains, characterized by an abundance of trees that are a distinctive habitat for animals and an ideal environment for many diverse organisms. The environmental importance of the reserve lies in the large number of Samar trees, which has exceptional environmental importance, due to its unique features and nutritional value for animals in the region. Samar trees are an essential food source for camels and goats in desert and semi-arid regions, due to the absence of other sources. The Samar tree’s flowers provide nectar to bees, which produce local honey.
The Environment and Protected Areas Authority (EPAA) in Sharjah seeks to protect the environment, natural reserves, wildlife and their biodiversity through scientific studies and research. The authority publishes educational awareness material, implements policies for environmental awareness and programs, and launches specialized campaigns in the field of environmental awareness and education.