Sharjah Leadership Programme Introduces Young Emirati Workforce To National Expertise

Sharjah for Capability Development (SCD) has taken participants of the 11th annual Sharjah Leadership Programme (SLP) on site visits to a variety of UAE’s public and private sector entities.
Through these, the Rubu’ Qarn Foundation for Creating Leaders and Innovators subsidiary aims to reinforce the Emirati youth’s capabilities, and help them achieve corporate excellence by shining light on leading examples of management and investment models in the country.
The site visits were selected carefully to familiarise SLP participants with the experiences and best professional practices adopted by public and private institutions, as well as their approaches in quality management, engineering, innovation and technology, research, marketing, government communication and community outreach, among others.
The participants were divided into groups according to their academic and professional specialisations, in order to enable them to acquire the necessary practical experience, and gain field-specific knowledge and expertise in their respective areas of work.
The entities for the field visits were chosen from a variety of sectors including health, tourism and environment, as well as media and communications. The visits included, Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar); Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park (SRTI Park); Youth Hub in Dubai; Sharjah Islamic Bank (SIB); leading aircraft manufacturing company, STRATA and SAP. During their visits, participants explored how theses UAE-based and multinational entities have adopted best practices in the fields of quality management, architecture, innovation, technology, research, marketing and communications.
The visits reflect SCD’s strategy to train SLP students in a multidimensional approach, which will lead to enhancing their knowledge and shaping their skills in a comprehensive, well-rounded way.
HE Hussein Al Mahmoudi, CEO of Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park
(SRTI Park), said SLP plays a leading role in developing the capabilities of Sharjah’s human capital. He emphasised the importance of involving young Emirati professionals, such as the group that has participated in the SLP programme, to lead UAE’s and Sharjah’s drive towards the creation of a knowledge economy with their innovative ideas and projects.
Through his interactions with SLP participants, Al Mahmoudi shared SRTI Park’s vision and goals about promoting an environment conducive to creativity and innovation, and their ongoing efforts to attract quality global research investments that are reinforcing Sharjah’s status as a global research and technology hub. “We strongly support and encourage innovation in applied sciences and technology research fields, in which the nation’s young leaders have a substantial role to play,” he noted.
For his part, Ismail Ali Abdulla, CEO of STRATA, said: “We are delighted to welcome SLP members to STRATA, one of the region’s leading manufacturers of aircrafts. This tour around our facilities will offer them keen insights into the workings of one of UAE’s most advanced aviation companies. We are pleased to interact with bright young Emirati talents, and want to continue to contribute to building young generations of highly skilled Emiratis who will lead the UAE’s aviation industry with their confidence and knowledge of international best practices,” Abdulla emphasised.
Dr. Lamya Nawaf Fawwaz, Executive Director for Brand and Strategic Initiatives at Masdar, said: “We are pleased to share our expertise with professionals under Sharjah for Capability Development’s leadership programme, as it gives us a chance to continue fostering our national innovation strategy, which aims to further solidify UAE’s reputation as a leading exporter of knowledge and a global hub of sustainable development.
She continued: “We, at Masdar, are keen to offer strategic platforms, such as the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week that brings together many initiatives aimed at empowering women and youth, and train them to become leaders of a sustainable future, in a way that helps build a flexible, knowledge-based economy that enjoys continued growth and long-term stability.”