Sharjah Girl Guides’ November Workshops Focused On Developing Members Into Balanced Citizens

Sharjah Girl Guides (SGG) members learnt practical crafts like soap-making, floral arrangement and arm knitting; gained financial skills; acquired knowledge about the facilities offered at Louvre Abu Dhabi; the secret to staying healthy and fit; and the Zayed attributes initiative which will be published on the social media of SGG, via a series of workshops organised by the SGG in November.
In a virtual workshop titled ‘Art of Soapmaking’ held on November 7, Guides (11 to 14 years) learnt how to make organic homemade soap from entrepreneur and mentor, Hessa Alquood. Apart from teaching them about the basic ingredients and tools required for soapmaking and inspiring them to create their own mix of soaps, Al Quood also shared her entrepreneurship story with the Guides to inspire them. The girls were provided with soapmaking kits prior to the workshop. They earned Art badges for their effort.
Brownies (7-10 years) were taught the importance of staying physically fit at a workshop titled ‘Fit and Healthy’, held on November 7. Designed by Collage, the session taught the Brownies simple aerobics techniques that they could practice every day at home through WebEx, an online programme. The girls also learnt to organise a healthy diet to complement their exercise programme and enhance the quality of their lives. They were presented with Sport badges.
Senior Guides (15 – 18 years) were introduced to the craft of knitting blankets without the use of any tools other than yarn and arms at another session held on November 7, titled ‘Arm Knitting’, delivered by My Craft Land. They were also taught how to work creatively with versatile woolen fabrics and yarns. The participants were awarded Art badges.
Naima Khan, co-founder of Naima Khan Designs, took Senior Guides through the paces while teaching them the art of arranging artificial flowers in a workshop titled ‘Artificial Floral Arrangement’ on November 14. Apart from learning the basic art of floral arrangement, which enhanced their creativity, the workshop also helped improve the motor skills of the girls, who earned Art badges.
A session that taught Senior Guides the basic principles of finance, titled ‘Financial Skills’, was held on November 15. Led by Dr Tanya Gibbs, the workshop introduced the girls to the concepts of money, savings, credit, loan, and stock markets. Dr Gibbs, an educator and researcher, guided the girls in adopting sound financial habits, understand the importance of saving money and put them on the path of developing into independent individuals. They were given Social Skills badges.
To train Brownies, Guides and Senior Guides in appreciating art and culture, SGG organised a ‘Virtual tour of Louvre Abu Dhabi’ museum via the Zoom platform on November 19. It took them on an in-depth journey through the various exhibits at the world class museum and gave them an understanding of how art and culture connects with people through the ages. The participants earned Culture badges.
SGG also held an awareness-raising campaign in collaboration with Dr. Samira Khalifa from November 22, to guide its members on the best way to interact on social media which would present a positive image of the United Arab Emirates to the world. Comprising10 video clips that illustrated 10 moral characteristics of the late Shaikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan – which His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE and the Ruler of Dubai, has urged Emiratis to emulate on digital platforms – the sessions, delivered across 10 days, will conclude on December 1.
SGG’s workshops programme for November was designed to ensure that its members stayed active and engaged in the safety and comfort of their homes, while learning important life lessons and new skills across many fields.