Sharjah Girl Guides’ March Workshop Teaches Members To Deal Effectively With Cyberbullying

A series of interactive workshops organised by the Sharjah Girl Guides (SGG) in March empowered its members in various ways – from learning to deal with cyberbullying to imbibing new skills such as jewellery making and caricaturing, among many others. From the safety of their homes, Brownies, Guides and Senior Guides participated in a variety of activities that sparked their creativity and enhanced their problem-solving skills.
A workshop on Cyberbullying was designed for Brownies (7–10years), teaching them healthy methods of managing and relieving the stress generated by incidents online bullying. They learned techniques to build resilience in order to overcome any negative experiences.Held via the Zoom platform, the workshop earned the participating Brownies a Global Awareness badge.
One of the highlights of the March programme was a workshop, Create by Yourself, conducted by a Senior Guide, Meera Al Hosani, via WebEx. She confidently guided Brownies as they channelled their creativity into crafting keychains out of beads. The Brownies learnt about different types of beads and ways they can be used to make customised keychains. The participants earned an Art badge.
In collaboration with Sharjah Museums Authority, SGG held an Antique Jewellery workshop, which first took Brownies on a fascinating virtual tour of valuable collectibles and jewellery from ancient times. They then learnt to design and make their own piece of jewellery with a kit supplied by SGG. The Brownies were presented with a Culture badge.
A personal development workshop for Senior Guides (15–18years), Free to be Me, was held in collaboration with the Arab Region of Girl Guides and the Emirates Girl Guides Association. The Senior Guides were taught self-development techniques to enhance their interpersonal skills and leadership qualities by focusing on motivation, body language and goal setting. They earned a Social Skills badge.
Brownies tapped into their talents at an art workshop, Caricature Drawing, learning the intricacies of caricaturing, including shading and colour combinations. It was part of an arts programme designed in collaboration with the Arab Region of Girl Guides and the Emirates Girl Guides Association.The Brownies earned a Socialise badge.
Unlock the Secrets of Science, held in collaboration with the Sharjah Museums Authority, introduced Guides (11–14years) to the world of science, encouraging them to conduct experiments using tools that can be found at home. At this hands-on workshop, participants were offered a unique opportunity to put their classrooms lessons to practice. The workshop earned attendees a Social Skills badge.
To celebrate Reading Month, which is observed in March, and to encourage reading, Guides participated in a session titled Book Talk where they discussed their favourite books. They were awarded a Culture badge.
In collaboration with the Sharjah Scout Association, the Sharjah Scout Commission organised a workshop for Senior Guides on community development, with various activities and programmes to teach them how to innovate to serve and develop their community. The participants earned an Innovation badge.
SGGorganiseda workshop led by popular chef, Abeer Al Louz, taught the Guides how to make the delicious Rocky Road dessert. Chef Abeertook them through the process step by step, and the Guides requested to send a picture of their efforts to be showcased on SGG’s social media accounts.
Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, SGG’s programmes are being designed to ensure that members continue learning important life lessons and new skills across many fields from the safety and comfort of their homes.