In a bid to empower young Brownies (7 – 11 years) make a positive difference in their communities by taking practical actions to learn and lead, Sharjah Girl Guides (SGG) organized two workshops, one of which was held in collaboration with The Big Heart Foundation (TBHF), a UAE-based global humanitarian charity dedicated to helping refugees and people in need worldwide.

SGG organized a workshop titled ‘Big Heart draw and glow’ which was conducted by TBHF, its designed to enable the 35 participants learn more about its vision and mission. Where also included making candles as a symbol of the light that illuminates the lives of people in need. Following the introduction to the various initiatives and projects the Foundation undertakes to provide support and assistance to refugees and the needy in various parts of the world, the Brownies engaged in a brainstorming session to discuss and debate on how they could support the vulnerable and empower them to live with dignity.

The girls’ enthusiasm to be part of the bigger picture, saw them come up with innovative ways to donate, fundraise and collaborate with TBHF in their humanitarian and development efforts.

In a workshop inspired by SGG’s ‘Spread Happiness’ initiative, delivered by members of SGG’s volunteering club, around 10 Brownies, 15 guides and senior guides enriched their scouting experience as they discussed ways to extend their community service activities to alleviate the suffering of the underprivileged people. To harness their spirit of goodwill and look for meaningful ways to contribute to their community, SGG encouraged the young girls to propose an initiative they could follow through on their own.

At the end of the workshop, the Brownies collectively decided to provide essential supplies to help the needy tide over the cold winter and chalked out a plan to implement their ideas into action. Setting a date for collection of used items such as jackets, thermal wear, gloves, blankets, reusable water bottles, flasks, and so on, participants in the winter campaign will sort the collected items into the winter boxes. These will then be distributed to the needy in Sharjah.