SGG’s Annual ‘Cookie For A Cause’ Campaign Kicks Off Tomorrow

Sharjah Girl Guides (SGG) is all set to kickstart its annual humanitarian campaign, ‘Cookie for a Cause’, tomorrow (Sunday) to help raise funds for the purchase of hearing aids for the hearing impaired students atAl Wafa School for Capacity Development in Sharjah.
The annual fundraising campaign follows the longstanding cookie-selling tradition of the global Girl Scouts and Girl Guides, and is aimed at developing the leadership skills of Brownies, Guides, and Senior Guides and enriching their experiences by undertaking different charity endeavours.
SGG members, aged 7-18 years, will sell cookies at the Paper Fig Restaurant & Dessert Shop at University City in Sharjah, until the conclusion of the campaign on December 10.
In preparation for the campaign, SGG members underwent five training workshops in September to acquire vital skills in developing strategic thinking, enhancing entrepreneurial capabilities, and learning the essentials of sales and fundraising.
Shaikha Al Shamsi, Manager of SGG, called on community members to support the noble cause that reflects the Emirati community’s values of giving ands helps develop a sense of social responsibility amongst all SGG members, while also benefiting hearing impaired students in Sharjah.
The young girl guides will use a special SGG recipe to prepare cookies for the campaign that will be available for sale starting tomorrow at the Paper Fig Restaurant & Dessert Shop.
The girl guides’ cookie-selling tradition was launched nearly a century ago to raise funds for guiding activities, which SGG has adapted for its annual humanitarian initiatives.