Rafid Records 822 Traffic Accidents During The Eid Al-Adha Holiday In Sharjah

Rafed Automotive Solutions in Sharjah reported 822 minor traffic accidents during the Eid Al Adha holiday. 711 accidents were recorded through patrols located on city roads across regions in Sharjah, while 93 accidents were recorded through the company’s application. 18 accidents were recorded against an unknown, where the patrols and Operations Department issued and planned traffic accidents of all kinds and followed them up within the tasks entrusted to them.
His Excellency Salem Al Midfa, CEO ofRafid Automotive solutions, said that varying numbers of minor accidents were recorded during the days of Eid, and confirmed that June 27 saw the highest amount of recorded accidents.
Al Midfaexplained that the traffic accidents during Eid were caused by several reasons, most notably of which were the lack of focus and preoccupation with phones while driving, not leaving enough distance between vehicles, and failure to adhere to mandatory route for vehicles to avoid congestion.
Al Midfa highlighted that Rafid works diligently to enhance traffic awareness and provide support and assistance to drivers in cases of emergencies and minor accidents. The average maximum response time to incidents during the Eid period was approximately 10 minutes.
The company emphasises that traffic safety and the responsibility for keeping everyone safe on the roads should be a priority for all drivers. Rafid continues to promote traffic culture and adhering to traffic laws as the only way to achieve a safe and sustainable traffic environment in the Emirate of Sharjah, and to protect people’s lives and property from traffic accidents. The company strives to raise awareness of the importance of safe and responsible driving.