At the ongoing Sharjah Heritage Days (SHD), which is hosting the Republic of Montenegro as the Guest of Honour country,naturally, the Montenegro Pavilion is the largest and holds pride of place with a vast facade featuring their national symbols, a central area for performances and a number of stalls displaying this Balkan country’s myriad offerings.

SnezanaBurzan, Director of the Podgorica Folklore Ensemble, which has been taking Montenegro to the world for over 75 years, says: “We are honoured to be here as the main country at this year’s Sharjah Heritage Days. This is our first time in Sharjah and we hope to showcase the best our country has to offer in culture, art, tourism and commerce to UAE citizens and residents.”

Arguably, the Montenegrin folk dances, with its majestic moves and eye-catching traditional Balkan costumes, are the biggest draw at the festival. “Our folklore dances are very famous, especially from the capital city of Podgorica,” says Burzan. “The dance ensemble in Sharjah is the oldest from Podgorica, going back 75 years. The visiting troupe consists of 35 dancers with their choreographer. The dances are a big hit with the people enjoying the performances and costumes.”

Moving on to the rest of the pavilion, the Montenegrins are presenting the best of their traditions, history, clothing, tourism destinations like the Adriatic coast, their many mountains and lakes. “Our famous photographer Damir Murseljevic is also exhibiting his work here, and the stalls sell a variety of handmade souvenirs, handicrafts, honey, olive oil, cheese, organic face and body creams,” adds Snezana.

Interestingly, the Montenegrins are also immersing themselves in the culture and sights of Sharjah, visiting places like the Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilisation, the local mosques and other cultural venues. “We are proud to represent our country here but also thrilled to learn so much about the beautiful emirate of Sharjah,” she concludes.