Ministry Of Culture And Youth Honours Emirati Creators At 41st Sharjah International Book Fair

The Ministry of Culture and Youth organised a book signing event for Emirati poet Khalil Ailabouni’s book ‘The Khalil Trilogy’ at the 41st edition of Sharjah Book Fair. The ministry’s participation in the book fair was also marked by a literary seminar hosted by writer and researcher Hamad bin Saray and the novelist Ali Abu Al Rish. These events honoured the contribution of the writers and poets to the Emirati literary scene.
Ailabounirecited some verses from his book about his love for the UAE and spoke about how the UAE contributed to his growth as a poet. He also thanked the Ministry of Culture and Youth and Her Excellency Nourabint Mohammed AlKaabi, for supporting the literary movement, celebrating intellectuals, highlighting their projects and presenting them to readers in the Arab and international arenas. The book was presented by poet and researcher Dr. Fatima AlMamari atFikr Hall.
Ailabouni’s verses are imbued with gratitude for the UAE and its leadership and are symbolic of the poet’s myriad experiences. His poetry has greatly influenced the literary movement in the country and his address about the formation of the union on Abu Dhabi Radio on December 2, 1971, is still etched on the listeners’ minds. He has published many poems, literary and research works, including: “Poet and poem”, “Abu Dhabi: the beginning of time”, “Tolerance through the wise leadership of the United Arab Emirates”, and his latest collection entitled “The Khalil Trilogy” which was published with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Youth.
Under the title “Ali Abu AlRish in the Paths of Life and Literature”, historian Dr. Hamad bin Sarayshed light on the life of the novelist Ali Abu AlRish, who participated in the session to discuss the author of Bin Saray. In the book, the writer shares insights about the personal aspects of the writer Abu AlRish. His writings are known for his love for the UAE and Ras Al Khaimah, his first breakthrough, and how the writer’s personality was formed through a biographical narrative presented by Dr. Hamad bin Saray through the book.
The session, which was moderated by poet and researcher Dr. Fatima AlMamari, touched on the life of the writer Abu AlRish. It also shed light on the educational and cultural transformation in the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah, his hometown, (specifically the town of Mu’airid). It was accompanied by many events that affected the writer’s personality and thought, through the formation of the Union followed by the development and prosperity in various walks of life.
Bin Saray pointed out that the art of biographical literature, especially those who write about a living personality, is not easy. At times, the writer’s personal relationship with the subject may come in the way of objective writing. However, the writer stressed that hehas written the story without any bias.
On why he chose the title, Bin Sarai, the author said: “The title is the last thing I put for the book, because I did not know when to finish it. I wanted to be very sure of the title and not settle for anything less. I followed the paths of his thought, literature and creativity through this book and was keen to document them.”
He continued: “I followed the history of Abu Al Rish’s life through personal interviews with him based on his works in the fields of literature and journalism. I looked closely at his vision, and what he expressed in many press interviews and ideas that he addressed in his articles and novels. I was in constant contact with him, and he was reviewing my writing. I followed the history of his life, and lived with him through his works, and discovered in them many aspects and ideas that I benefited from and guaranteed to work, and I mentioned Ras Al Khaimah, Ma’iraidh, Ras Al Khaimah Bridge, and other places and landmarks that I made sure to include in the book so that the reader has an integrated picture of this character.”
Bin Saray pointed out that Abu Al Rish is passionate about his homeland and loves his country, pointing out that his literary works have extensive details of the house, family and society. He described how this connection to his homeland strikes a chord with the readers. The other experiences all stem from these emotions.
When asked why he turned away from poetry and adopted the novel, the Ali Abu Al Rish said: “The novel is the open space that accommodates everything. It is a great way to communicate and express myself and the place I hold close to my heart. Having said that, I do not prefer the novel to poetry. Poetry is a part of our being, in our poems there is a novel, a story, but when we want to narrate a larger life experience, I feel the novel provides that wider canvas which poetry cannot.”
Abu Al Rishpublished his first work of fiction in 1982. He stressed that after all these years and the accompanying changes and developments at various levels of life, there is still something that can be written about and documented in a literary work, explaining that writing does not stop, and that tales must be told as long as we live.
At the end of the seminar, researcher Dr. Hamad bin Saray signed his book: “Ali Abu Al Rish in the Paths of Life and the Paths of Literature”, while the novelist Ali Abu AlRish signed copies of his publication “”Expo Dubai 2020 .. Solidarity on Earth, a Hug in the Sky””, works that were printed with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Youth.