‘Little Chef’ Arms The UAE’s Youngest With Tools To A Healthy Lifestyle

The 6th group, has been titled champion of an educational programme series, ‘Little Chef’, organised by Ministry of Health & Prevention (MoHaP) and Sharjah Girl Guides (SGG). Concluded yesterday (Thursday), the programme brought its 28 participants together in a creative environment to teach them what constitutes a healthy diet and lifestyle.
The programme also engaged the girls (aged 9 to 11 years) in interesting cooking exercises during which they learned about a variety of nutrient-rich foods and ingredients, and ways to turn them into their favourite dishes. One of the core objectives of the programme was to help children understand the connection between their dietary choices and their health, and how they can make the right food choices to combat obesity – a growing epidemic in the UAE and around the world.
Held for three weeks from July 23 to August 16, the programme targeted 14 participants each from SGG and MoHaP, who were divided into seven groups, and competed to win first and second places in the final competition that brought all 28 together at the Lulu Hypermarket in Al Hazzana area yesterday.
The programme comprised a series of workshops like ‘Healthy Foods’, ‘Healthy Shopping’, and ‘Healthy Snacks’; a trip to the Del Monte food production company, and two healthy cooking workshops with professional chefs. The programme ended with the final competition held at Al Lulu Hypermarket last Thursday for its 28 participants.
Sheikha Abdulaziz Al Shamsi, Manager of SGG, said, “We are always keen to forge partnerships with likeminded institutions to help make the learning experiences of our young members as valuable and enriching as possible, develop their talents and instill positive values in them. The importance of our collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Prevention cannot be overstated, given the importance of creating awareness about health and nutrition and nurturing knowledgeable generation of young women in the UAE who will in turn pass on their knowledge and experience to future generations who are pillars of society.”
“The cookery competition was very exciting and really allowed participants to tap into their potential, play with several ingredients and express themselves creatively. We were fascinated to see the high level of expertise and kitchen hygiene standards the young chefs brought to the table. Competition was neck-to-neck and selecting winners was anything but easy. Every dish presented to us tasted excellent! We truly hope these girls as well as all of the UAE’s youth will make healthy eating and exercise a cornerstone of their life,” she added.
Established in the UAE in Sharjah in 1973, the guiding movement subsequently spread to all seven emirates, giving rise to the Girl Guides Association of the United Arab Emirates in 1979. Operating under the patronage of Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher bint Mohammed Al Qasimi, Wife of His Highness the Ruler of Sharjah and Chairperson of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs (SCFA), SGG aims to inspire and nurture future generations to become progressive global citizens by providing a platform to develop to their fullest potential.