Sheikh Fahim Al Qasimi, Chairman of Department of Government Relations (DGR) in Sharjah, recently accompanied HE Lars Pira Perez, Ambassador of the Republic of Guatemala to the UAE and HE William Reuben Soto, Consulate General of the Republic of Costa Rica in the UAE, on a tour of House of Wisdom (HoW), Sharjah’s futuristic social and knowledge hub.

The high-ranking diplomats discussed the possibility of hosting the bicentenary celebrations of Guatemala and Costa Rica at HoW and organising a week-long art exhibition as part of the celebrations.

Sheikh Majid Al Qasimi, Director of DGR, and Jose Basila, Economic Counsellor at the Embassy of Guatemala, also accompanied the dignitaries on their visit to HoW.

Sheikh Fahim said: “Sharjah is always keen on strengthening relations with cities worldwide, as part of the department’s strategy to build bridges and open communication channels between nations and peoples. We look forward to boosting ties with cities in Guatemala and Costa Rica.”

The Chairman emphasised on the influential role of HoW in fostering the region’s culture, marking a new milestone and strengthening Sharjah’s global status. He added that the ethos behind this library is the same as the one that guides the emirate and the UAE’s multifarious cultural projects.

For their part, the Ambassador of Guatemala and Consulate General of Costa Rica praised HoW and the value it adds to Sharjah’s cultural scene. They appreciated its futuristic design and the invaluable role it plays building a knowledge-based community and building bridges with other cultures.