Child Safety Department Creates Virtual Characters ‘Sarah’ And ‘Rashed’ To Help Raise Children’s Awareness

The Child Safety Department, CSD, an affiliate of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in Sharjah, has launched Sarah and Rashed, two virtual characters designed to raise children’s awareness about safety issues. Sara and Rashed are part of CSD’s innovative communication tools and will educate children about preventive measures to be taken to protect themselves from various risks.
The characters Sarah and Rashedtake the form of two children aged 6-8years, and will help spread CSD’s awareness messages among young ones using appealing visuals and child-friendly tone. They will populate CSD’s social media platforms, print material, publications and workshop material.
Hanadi Saleh Al Yafei, Director of CSD, said: “CSD is always looking for innovative ways to raise the awareness of children regarding safety issues, among other matters that concern them. We also seek to utilise technological innovations to drive positive changes in our community. The two virtual characters will ensure that our child protection guidance material reaches our target audience in innovative and exciting ways as cartoon characters have always been used as engaging tools to educate kids.”
Al Yafeiadded that the CSD will introduce Sara and Rashed to children through a series of workshops and activities at the upcoming Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival (SCRF).