Bee’ah Has Received An Award From The Middle East Solar Initiative Association (MESIA) Recognising Its Commitment To Renewable Energy
Bee’ah, the Sharjah Environment Co, the Middle East’s leading and award-winning fully integrated environmental and waste management company has received an award from the Middle East Solar Initiative Association (MESIA) recognising their commitment to renewable energy. Bee’ah has developed a solar power initiative as part of their renewable energy project which is the latest progress in its goal of transforming Sharjah into the environmental capital of the Middle East. The solar power project will generate the required energy to run the Bee’ah facilities at the Waste Management Centre in Saj’ah and will have additional storage capacity to power the facilities during non-daylight hours. MESIA presented the award at a gala event that that took place in conjunction with the World Future Energy Summit 2015 in Abu Dhabi.