A Swirl Of Tajik Tradition At Sharjah Heritage Days

The Tajikistan delegation to the 18thSharjah Heritage Days has been putting up a variety of perfectly choreographed traditional dances. Visitors regaled to ceremonial dances like “rakskhoimarosimi” and “aspakbozi” by a group of women wearing colourful costumes in traditional “chakan” embroidery, swaying along to the tune of a five-piece Tajik orchestra featuring traditional percussion and string instruments.
The younger audience, girls in particular, were pulled in as they tried to emulate and follow the moves of the dancers as they led beautifully choreographed routines in perfect formations which they kept changing seamlessly.
The traditional dances performed in Tajik culture reflect the mood of the accompanying song and the dances involve elements of pantomime and drama.
These performances and more from 29 nations of the world will continue to be staged at SHD until April 10 at the Heart of Sharjah heritage area, and offer a unique opportunity to the UAE community to learn about global cultures.