Retargeting is a great way to increase the impact on users who have shown an interest in your company. Retargeting also referred to as remarketing, is a form of online advertising which helps your brand stay in front of the bounced traffic after they leave your website. Retargeting is a tool designed to help companies reach out to the majority of users who do not convert on their first visit. However, how you use will differ across the different digital channels.

Let us look at a step-by-step guide to LinkedIn retargeting which includes:

  • Retargeting and how does it work on LinkedIn?
  • What are the different types of retargeting on LinkedIn?
  • How do you set it up?
  • What are the best ways to use it?

Retargeting and how does it work on LinkedIn?

Retargeting is a cookie-based technology that uses simple coding to anonymously follow your audience all over the web. Small code is placed on your website which drops a browser cookie anonymously when you have a site visitor. When this same visitor browses the web, the cookie enables the retarget provider to know when to serve up information, ensuring that your information is served to people who have previously visited the site. LinkedIn uses the same concept of retargeting that is used across other digital channels. The user visits your website from a LinkedIn campaign and leaves. The website drops the cookie, and the same is used to show the same visitor more targeted ads in LinkedIn. There are some ways LinkedIn offers for retargeting. Let us take a look at them.

Different types of retargeting on LinkedIn

  1. Retarget by website – Matched audience can be configured to directly impact the users who clicked on the LinkedIn ad and were directed to your website but did not convert. This kind of retargeting can only target the visitors coming from LinkedIn.
  2. Retargeting by video or lead generation forms – To retarget video viewers, it is important to select the appropriate completion quartile. If the video is less than 30 seconds, choose 50% completed or higher else select 25% completed or higher. For targeting visitors with lead generation forms it is important to select the right action. To generate new leads, retarget the ones who opened the lead generation form but did not submit. For nurturing the existing leads, the focus needs to be on retargeting those who submitted a lead generation form.
  3. Retargeting by List uploads – The set up allows for the list of leads and customers from other sources to be uploaded. Care should be taken to ensure that the lists adhere to the LinkedIn formatting guidelines. Contact targeting can also be done by setting up data integrations with supported partners of LinkedIn. After the lists are uploaded, LinkedIn matches them with their database. This way they are able to find leads and customers who have a profile on LinkedIn.

Setting up Retargeting

Having looked at the different kinds of LinkedIn retargeting, let us get into the details of how each one of them is set-up

  1. Setting up the Insight Tag – For website retargeting, you need to set up an Insight tag that will help track conversions, retarget and help in gaining real-time insights on the professional traits of the website visitors.
  • Start by adding a lightweight javascript code to your site
  • Ensure that there is just one Insight Tag per domain and it is installed in the global header of the website. In cases where it is not possible, tag the individual pages of the website.
  • While the tag takes time to build the audience, set up your website targeting segments right away.

Important things to keep in mind during the set-up stage

  • The audience will not be matched unless the Insight tag is correctly installed.
  • Provide enough time for the website traffic to build. It may take up to 48 hours for the audience to build. It may even take longer depending on the traffic to the website
  • There should be 300 members in the audience before the campaign can begin serving impressions.
  • Once 300 members are matched, the campaign will automatically start delivering if u have activated the campaign.
  1. Retargeting by video or lead generation forms – This retargeting impacts people who have taken some action on the website by watching a part of the video or submitted a form. In this, details of the specifics like retargeting the audience that viewed 25%,50%,75%, or 97% of the video ad or opened or submitted a lead generation form and specifying which campaign needs to be retargeted should be provided.

Important things to keep in mind during the set-up stage

  • Provide enough time for the audience to build which may take up to 48 hours.
  • There should be at least 300 members who must be targeted before the campaign can begin serving impressions.
  • Once 300 members are targeted, the campaign automatically begins delivering if the campaign is activated.
  • When setting up the campaign, exclude those who have submitted a lead generation form for awareness or consideration campaigns.
  1. Retargeting by list uploads – In this retargeting, you learn how to import or integrate email lists for contact targeting. The idea here to use an already available database of users who have shown interest in the business and take the advertising impact to LinkedIn. There are two ways to get started with contact targeting. One through uploading a contact list and second through connecting data integrations.

Important things to keep in mind during set-up

  • Use the template provided by LinkedIn for proper formatting. Check spellings for accuracy to help get the highest match rate.
  • Larger lists are likely to have better match rates. Consider uploading a list of at least 10,000 contacts or more for optimal results.
  • When selecting contacts, target influencers, or decision-makers for optimal results.
  • Avoid hyper-targeting which can limit the scale and delivery of the campaigns.

You may have a list of target companies that can be used for retargeting on LinkedIn.

In this, the focus is on reaching the decision-makers at the target accounts.

Important things to keep in mind during set-up

  • Use the template provided by LinkedIn for proper formatting. Check spellings for accuracy to help get the highest match rate
  • Larger lists are likely to have a better match rate. Consider uploading a list of at least 1000 companies or more for optimal results.
  • Avoid hyper-targeting which can limit the scale and delivery of campaigns.

LinkedIn Retargeting is a very powerful tool that can be used to make a second impact on people who have shown interest in your company.